Why I Blog

I blog because I like to write and the regiment of a blog is good practice.

I blog because I get tired of reading “look at me I can write about hermeneutics” theological pieces that are more about impressing people or starting debates than it is about helping people or God’s kingdom.

I blog because I know that there are thousands of Christians out there who think their status quo spiritual life is all there is and they don’t realize how accessible God can be with just a little bit of intentionality and effort.

I blog because I wish there was another blog out there doing what I am trying to do.

I blog because there a few people who actually read it and find it meaningful and beneficial.

I blog because the church needs committed believers who know God on a deep and experiential level. The church needs people who have been transformed by Christ to live like, for, and through Christ. If just small pockets of believers would begin to live transformed lives and produce the fruits of the spirit then they would have such a more deeper impact than programs, campaigns, and theological debates.

I blog because I have seen the transforming nature of Jesus and I want others to experience it.

I blog because I need to hold myself accountable. Being a spiritual formation blogger is an identity that carries with it standards, challenges, and devotions that I probably would have abandoned if I didn’t envision a reader out there actually caring if I lived out what I professed.

I blog because it is sometimes hard to find an audience for spiritual formation and discipleship within the church. Angels, end times, and who the real Antichrist will be would be easy draws for church people but a class on how to bless your neighbor who curses you just seems silly to some people. Much to the church’s detriment. Still, the web and blogs provide avenues for like-minded people to find each other.

I blog because the words written by Dallas Willard, Henri Nouwen, Frederick Buechner, and Scot Mcknight changed my life. Maybe, just maybe, through God’s grace, my words written could change someone’s life.

4 thoughts on “Why I Blog

  1. Hi Scott, your reasons resound in me. Oh that every Christian would know how close and powerful He is!
    I heard a song today with the line “i’ll be inescapable like a song in your head” and thought about the power of words, and the power of a song. How much more when it is inspired by the Spirit of God! May we always partner with the Lord so that our offerings reach that certain someone somewhere on the heart of God and change the course of their lives into His arms.

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